Notices, Package contents, Trademark information – Nikon 4 User Manual

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• No part of the manuals included with this prod-

uct may be reproduced, trans mit ted, tran scribed,
stored in a re triev al system, or trans lat ed into any
lan guage in any form, by any means, with


Nikon’s prior writ ten per mis sion.

• Nikon reserves the right to change the spec i fi c-

a tions of the hardware and soft ware de scribed
in these manuals at any time and without prior
no tice.

• Nikon will not be held liable for any dam

ag es

re sult ing from the use of this prod uct.

• While every effort has been made to en sure that

the information in these man u als is ac cu rate and
com plete, we would ap pre ci ate it were you to
bring any er

rors or omis sions to the at ten tion

of the Nikon rep re sen ta tive in your area (ad dress
pro vid ed sep a rate ly).

Package Contents

Before using this product, check that the package contains the items listed below. Contact your retailer
or local Nikon representative should you fi nd that any of these items are missing or damaged.
• Nikon Capture 4 installer CD
Nikon Capture 4 Install Guide

Nikon Capture 4 User’s Manual (this manual)
• User registration card (USA only)


Do not play the Nikon Capture 4 installer CD on audio CD equip ment. Play ing a CD -ROM on
an audio CD play er could cause hear ing loss or dam age the equip ment.

Trademark Information

Macintosh and Mac OS are trade marks of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft and Win dows are reg is tered
trade marks of Microsoft Cor po ra tion. Pentium is a trade mark of Intel Cor po ra tion. Adobe and Photo-
shop are trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc. All oth er trade names men tioned in this man u al or in the
oth er doc u men ta tion pro vid ed with your Nikon prod uct are trade marks or reg is tered trade marks of their
re spec tive hold ers.

Make Backup Copies

Make backup copies of important pictures before processing. Nikon will not be held liable for damages
or lost profi ts that may result from product malfunction.