Nikon 4 User Manual

Page 135

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Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control

The Image Processing Tab
The following settings can be adjusted from
the Image Pro cess ing tab:

Image Optimize (D200/D70s/D70/D50 only):
Choose the type of image optimization per-
formed. See the cam era man u al for details.

Sharpening: Choose how much the camera
sharp ens outlines. See the camera manual
for details.

Tone Comp: Adjust contrast. See the cam era
man u al for details.

Color Mode (D2 series/D1





D70s/D70/D50 only): Choose a col or mode.
See the camera manual for de tails. With the
D1, colors are op ti mized for the NTSC col or
space, regardless of the op tion chosen.

Saturation (D200/ D70s / D70 / D50 only): Ad-
just color saturation. See the camera manual for details.

Hue Adjustment (D2 series/D1x/D1


/D200/D100/D70s/D70/D50 only): Modify hue while

leaving brightness and chro ma un af fect ed. Adjustments can be made in the range –9 ° to 9 °,
with 0 ° rep re sent ing the original hues as recorded by the camera (in D1-series cam er as, –9 °
is equiv a lent to a camera hue setting of 0, 0 ° to a setting of 3, and 9 ° to a setting of 6).

Color space (D2X/D200 only): Choose a color space. See the cam era man u al for details.

Long Exposure Noise Reduction (D2 series/D200/D100/D70s/D70/D50 only): Select this op-
tion to reduce noise at slow shutter speeds. See the camera manual for details.

High ISO Noise Reduction (D2X/D2Hs/D200 only): Select On (Normal), On (Low) (D200
only) or On (High) to reduce noise at high sensitivities. See the camera manual for details.

Saving and Loading Camera Control Settings
The Camera Control option in the Set-
menu is used to save Nikon Capture
4 Camera Con trol set tings and to load and
apply previously saved settings.


De scrip tion

Load Camera


Select this item to load camera settings previously saved us ing Save Camera Set-
(see be low). A dialog will be dis played where you can navigate to the drive
(vol ume) and di rec to ry con tain ing the desired set tings fi le (only fi les with the extension
“.ncc” will be dis played). The settings in the Cam era Con trol window will in stant ly
re vert to the saved settings.

Save Camera


Select this item to save the settings in the Camera Control window to a named fi le.
These settings can later be recalled using Load Camera Settings…. Choos ing Save
Camera Settings…
displays a di a log where you can choose a des ti na tion and fi le name
for current camera settings. Camera set tings are saved with the ex ten sion “.ncc”.
