Nikon 4 User Manual

Page 37

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Enhancing Images

White Balance

The tools in the White Balance palette are used to adjust white balance for RAW images.
Using these tools, not only can you correct white balance when the setting chosen with the
camera failed to produce the desired effect, you can also deliberately alter white balance to
introduce a cold or warm cast into the image. Users of D2-series, D200, D70s, D70, and D50
cameras can copy white-balance settings to the camera or memory card (

36). White bal-

ance can be adjusted by specifying the desired color temperature or by sampling the image
for the gray point.

Specifying a Color Temperature


Display the White Balance palette

Select the tool palette containing the White Balance palette from the View menu (the
default location for the White Balance palette is Tool Palette 2) and click the triangle at the
top left corner of the palette.

White Balance

White balance can be performed on RAW images only. If the image in the active window is JPEG or TIFF,
the Apply button in the White Balance palette will be grayed out and inactive.


Any given change in color temperature produces a greater dif fer ence in color at low color tem per a tures
than it would at higher color temperatures. For example, at a color tem per a ture of 6000 K, a change
of 1000 K pro duc es al most no change in color, while a change of the same amount at 3000 K would
produce a large dif fer ence in color. Mired, calculated by
multiplying the in verse of the color tem per a ture by 10


, is a

measure of color tem per a ture that takes such variation into
account, and as such is the unit used in color-tem per a ture
com pen sa tion fi lters.


If the Apply button is off (

) , turn it on (


If the Apply button is off, the image in the active image window will refl ect the white
balance settings in effect at the time the photograph is taken.


Select Set Color Temperature

Select Set Color Temperature from the pop-up menu at the top of the palette.

4000 K – 3000 K = 1000 K

Change in Color Temp.

7000 K – 6000 K = 1000 K

83 mired


24 mired

Pop-up menu

Apply button


Settings menu
