The color management tab (windows) – Nikon 4 User Manual

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Nikon Capture 4 Editor Preferences

The Color Management Tab (Windows)

The Color Management tab is where you
spec i fy the color management profi les used
for displaying im ag es on your monitor, ed-
it ing and saving RGB images, and saving and
printing CMYK images.

Change Display Profi le
To choose a display profi le, click Change
Display Profi le…
. The Windows “Display
Properties” dialog will be displayed; open
the Settings tab and click Advanced… to
open the display adapter properties dialog.
To select a display profi le, open the Color
Management tab and click Add.

Default Display Profi le

The default Windows display profi le is “NKMonitor_win.icm.“ This profi le is equivalent to sRGB.

Default RGB color space
The output color-space profi le used when work ing with RGB images is displayed here. Click
Browse… to choose a new default RGB profi le. If Use this instead of an em bed ded profi le
when opening fi les
is checked, this RGB color space profi le will be used for all images. If it is
not checked, the profi le embedded in each image will be used.

Printer profi le
Specifi es the printer profi le to be used when printing images.

Use profi le for printing
If this option is checked, you can choose a profi le for printing by clicking the Browse…
but ton. The selected profi le will appear in the adjacent text box. If this option is not
checked, the default RGB color space will be used.

If you have cho sen to use a printer profi le, the type of match ing to be per formed can be
selected from Rel a tive and Per cep tu al. (De pend ing on the pro fi le, chang ing the match-
ing meth od may produce no change in output. This option is not sup port ed with some
profi les; con sult the man u fac tur er for de tails.)

Colors not in the gamut of the selected printer profi le will be printed using the closest
colors available. Other colors are not affected.

If the image contains colors not in the gamut of the selected printer profi le, all colors in
the image will be compressed to fi t the gamut.

CMYK separation profi le
Lists the profi le used to convert RGB images to CMYK when saving images in CMYK-TIFF
for mat. To choose a dif fer ent profi le, click the Browse… button.