Nikon 4 User Manual

Page 34

background image


Image Adjustment

Opening Tool Palettes in Separate Windows
Tool palettes can be opened in a separate
window by clicking the palette title and drag-
ging it outside the current window to create
a new tool palette window con tain ing only
the selected palette.

Tools can be added to the new window by
drag ging in ad

di tion al palettes. The new

window will be added to the View menu in
Nikon Capture 4 Editor. If you close the new
window by click ing the win dow close box,
you can open it again by se lect ing the desired
palette from the View menu.

The Edit Indicator
The edit indicator turns green if palette set-
tings have been adjusted since the image in
the active window was created (NEF) images
or last saved (other images), making it clear
at a glance which palettes have been used.

“Undo” and “Redo”

The Undo and Redo options in the Edit menu are used to undo and redo the effects of the last op-
eration. The number of consecutive operations that can be undone is limited only by the amount of
memory available. Operations can not be undone after you have closed the active window or exited
Nikon Capture.

Resetting the Tool Palettes

To restore the tool palettes to their default positions, select Reset Tool Positions in the View menu.

Indicator turns

green when settings

are adjusted


Finding Tools
To display a complete list of the tools available
in Nikon Capture 4 Editor, select Find Tool
from the View menu. Tools can be opened
from the list by selecting the tool name and
clicking Go to tool. Click Name to sort tools
in ascending or descending order by name or
Location to sort tools according to the tool
palette window in which they can be found.
A bright green dot next to the tool name
indicates that it has been modifi ed from its
original settings.