Nortel Networks VT100 User Manual
Page 31

2-18 Template files
555-9001-316 Standard 1.0 February 1996
The first line of the template in Figure 2-12 is a comment. The comment line
is not required but is recommended to describe the purpose of the screen
Comments can be embedded anywhere in the screen template and start with
the “#” symbol. If a comment begins a line, no non-comment fields may
follow the comment. However, a comment may appear after a non-comment
field, such as after the field descriptor line shown in Figure 2-12. It is good
programming practice to heavily comment files.
The first non-comment line specifies the name of the screen. This is the
screen template file name without the .scn extension.
validation-tag offset
This entry specifies the position of the validation-tag by row and column.
You may enter 0,0 for the validation-tag offset in only two cases:
To indicate that you do not want to validate this screen (you would also
need to enter a hyphen, “-”, as the validation-tag). You should only
ignore the identity of a screen if you want the TRS process to perform the
actions specified in the screen template regardless of what screen is
actually active. For example, if you want to execute a command at the
system prompt, you would not need to verify that you are at a specific
screen, as long as you are sure the screen has a system prompt.
Note: In general, you should validate screens whenever possible. This
ensures data for the host computer application is sent to the correct screen,
and data sent back to the Meridian IVR 2.0/I application is from the correct
To tell the TRS to search the screen for the validation tag. If you do not
know the exact location of the validation tag or if the location of the
validation varies, you can tell the TRS to search the screen for the tag.
Enter 0,0 for the offset, then enter the validation tag in the appropriate