Paxar Monarch 9413 User Manual

Page 182

background image

system s e tup

syntax 3-9



bar code lengths 4-7
E N Q reference byte 2 7-3
E N Q reference byte 3 7-6
fixed/variable bar codes 4-7
i m m e d i a t e c o m m a n d s 3 - 2 2
job status 0-2 7-13

technical support 8-5
test label

printing 8-2

text fields

character rotation 4-6
color attributes 4-5
d e fin ing 4-3
d e term ining distance from left/right 4-4
d e term ining distance from top/bottom


font options 4-4
justification 4-6
m o d ifying character height 4-5
m o d ifying character spacing 4-4
m o d ifying character w idth 4-5
p lacing proportionally spaced characters


rotating 4-6
syntax 4-3


line 4-19

trailing spaces

fin d ing 10-6

transm it b u ffer 3-18
transparent overlay

e x p lanation 4-5

troubleshooting 8-3
types of fields

brief description 2-6


u n it o f measure

setting 4-2

unsuccessful com m u n ication 8-4
u p loading

font packet 3-25


variable length

p a d d ing for 5-6

vector fonts buffer 3-19

d e fin ing 4-17

v o lta g e s e lection 3-11


w idth/length

using option 52 5-11

w o rd length selection 3-15
w o rksheet

c h e c k d igit D -3
fillin g in 2-7
form a t D-1
o n line configuration D -2
overview 2 -7

10 Index

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