Paxar Monarch 9413 User Manual

Page 156

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The CG Triumvirate fonts support only the ANSI and DOS Code
Page Symbol Sets. These fonts print a slashed zero when using
the ANSI symbol set.

S e l e c t i n g t h e A N S I S y m b o l S e t

Use ANSI when you want to use proportionally spaced fonts.

S e l e c t i n g t h e 4 3 7 o r 8 5 0 C o d e P a g e

These code pages provide extended and international characters
and use proportionally spaced fonts.

U s i n g C o d e 1 2 8 F u n c t i o n C o d e s

This table lists the characters for Bar Code 128 function codes.
These functions are used with scanners.


Function Code









E n t e r i n g E x t e n d e d C h a r a c t e r s

When using extended characters in your batch data file, type a
tilde in front of the three-digit code. For example, if you want to
include the character Ä in a text field using the Internal Symbol
Set, type:

1,"~142" p

C-2 Symbol Sets/Code Pages

This manual is related to the following products: