Paxar Monarch 9413 User Manual
Page 179
p a c k e t A
syntax 3-9
p a c k e t B
syntax 3-10
p a c k e t C
syntax 3-11
packet control characters
factory defaults 3-3
printing existing config 8-2
resetting 3-14
selecting new 3-13
syntax 3-13
p a c k e t D
syntax 3-12
p a c k e t E
syntax 3-13
packet F
syntax 3-15
packet M
syntax 3-16
b a tch 6-2
c h e c k d igit schem e 5 -13
clearing from m e m o ry 3-24
configuration 3-5
g u idelines 3-3
p a d d ing data 5-6
syntax 5-6
paralle l com m u n ication 3-2
param e ters
for batch control field 6-4
for batch data field 6-5
m o d ifying partial 6-8
repeating 10-5
parity selection 3-15
P D F 4 1 7 b a r c o d e s
security/truncation 5-9
w idth/length 5-11
p lacing
h u m a n readables 10-6
p o llin g for status
overview 7 -1
price fields
form a ttin g o p tion 5-8
m o n e tary form a tting 3-12
restrictions w ith c h e c k d igits 5-8
syntax 5-8
print area 2-3
print contrast/vert adjustm e n t selection
print control
in batch control field 6-4
syntax 3-11
printer configuration
com m u n ication settings packet F 3-15
header 3-5
m e m o ry configuration packet M 3 -16
m o n e tary form a ttin g p a c k e t D 3 - 1 2
packet C 3-11
packet control characters packet E 3-13
packet guidelines 3-8
packet overview 3 -5
packet sam p le 3-6
s u p p ly setup packet B 3-10
system s e tup packet A 3-9
printer status
e x p lanation of response 7-2
overview 7 -1
requesting 7-2
syntax 7-2
com m u n ication checklist 8-4
com m u n ication errors 9-10
d a ta errors 9-2
d a ta form a tting errors 9-12
m a c h ine fault errors 9-13
resetting 8-5
w a y s to configure 3-2
u n it o f measure com p a tib ility 2-5
c a n c e ling 3-22
ordering packets to download 6-2
overview 6 -1
test label 8-2
Index 7