Paxar 656 / 636 User Manual
Page 64

• Mechanical Trouble Shooting
Users Manual Model 656/636
Probable Cause
Corrective Action
Knife stops during cut in stock
1) Check life of blades
1) If warn and dull, may stall in stock. If
life is greater than 2 million, replace
2) Clean cams and lubricate
2) Make sure oiler is on knife. Instruct
Operator to oil weekly. Make sure oil
is available.
3) Clutch worn out and can’t stay
3) Replace Clutch
Slight Long and Short Tags
1) Sticking Solenoid
1) Check gap on the trip arm to clutch body
must be about .040 inches. If too large,
solenoid has less force. Check
assembly of spring and washers. Use
latest engineering assembly procedure.
Clean Solenoid.
2) Sticking Trip Arm to Clutch Roll
2) Check for burr on trip arm catching on
clutch stop roll pin. File off burr on
clutch roll pin and/or replace trip arm.
3) Clutch has trouble picking up
3) Clean clutch and replace if not solved
Stock popping in front of knife
1) Slow knife rotation
1) Worn out blades create too much load
for motor and knife slows down too
much during cut. Replace Blades.
2) Clutch has trouble engaging and
stock runs into blades
2) Clean clutch and replace if not solved.
Knife does not cycle
1) Solenoid not engaging
1) Trip knife solenoid by hand to see if
knife cycles. If cycles and cuts, check
cable to solenoid, check solenoid
adjustments and assembly, check gap
and replace solenoid if necessary.
2) Knife Motor Broken
2) Replace Knife Motor, good for 10
million labels by spec
3) Clutch total failure
3) Unlikely, but change if necessary
4) Solenoid Drive circuit failure
4) Replace Cable or TCB
5) Knife motor not cycling
5) Replace Cable or TCB
Continuous Knife cycling
1) Solenoid stuck in
1) Clean and adjust solenoid.
2) Circuit stuck on
2) Unplug solenoid wires from knife
module connector and should stop
cutting. If it does stop cutting, replace
3) Very bad trip arm to stop pin on
3) Unusual, but file roll pin and replace trip