Printronix Series 5 User Manual
Page 230
Cable length
Centronics, 5–7
Dataproducts interface, 5–5
Long Lines, 5–3
IEEE 1284 parallel, 5–11
serial, 5–15
Cable verify signal
Dataproducts Long Lines interface,
Dataproducts parallel interface, 5–6
Cancel IGP/DCU parameter
coax interface, 4–43
twinax interface, 4–52
CANCEL key, parameter, 4–92
Carriage Return
configuring with control panel, 4–64
Parameters, 4–20
received, 4–86
Centronics menu
Buffer Size in K, 4–101
Busy on Strobe, 4–101
Data Bit 8, 4–100
Data Polarity, 4–100
Latch Data On, 4–101
Prime Signal, 4–101
Response Polarity, 4–101
TOF Action, 4–101
Centronics parallel interface, 5–7
configuring, 4–100
pin assignments, 5–7
Centronics parallel interface signals,
acknowledge, 5–8
busy, 5–8
data lines 1 through 8, 5–8
data strobe, 5–8
online, 5–8
paper empty, 5–8
Chains, paper, cabinet model, 2–8
Change case parameter, 4–44
Character Set, U.S. ASCII, C–1
Character set parameter
coax interface menu, 4–42
twinax interface, 4–51
Character sets
Epson emulation, 4–80
Proprinter XL emulation, 4–77
selecting with control panel, 4–66
Serial Matrix emulation, 4–73
Character sets emulation, ANSI
emulation, 4–86
Character sets, printing
coax interface, 4–42
twinax interface, 4–51, 4–56, 4–58
Character sets, selecting, coax
interface, 4–42, 4–51
Character size, graphic, emulating,
height/width, 4–18
rotated, 4–19
Check digit, bar code, 4–87