Printronix Series 5 User Manual

Page 229

background image


Auto LF parameter, 4–85

configuring with control panel, 4–64

Epson emulation, 4–79

Proprinter XL emulation, 4–76

P-Series XQ emulation, 4–69

Serial Matrix emulation, 4–72

Auto Locking parameter, 4–93

Auto skip at end, 4–49

Auto Switching , configuring, 4–98

Auto Switching menu

C/T Hotport

Port Type, 4–98

Report Status, 4–99

Timeout, 4–99

Parallel Hotport

Port Type, 4–98

Report Status, 4–99

Timeout, 4–99

Trickle Time, 4–98

Serial Hotport

Port Type, 4–98

Report Status, 4–99

Timeout, 4–99

Trickle Time, 4–98


Bar code Check Digit, 4–87

Bar codes, 4–18

Interleaved 2 of 5, checksum

calculation, 4–90

print quality, 4–89

size parameter, 4–90

Barcode darkmode, Ansi Emulation,


Barcode errors, Error Handling options,

IGP/VGL emulation menu, 4–35

Barcode Quality parameter, 4–89

Barcode Size parameter, 4–90

Batch form processing, 4–19

Baud Rate parameter, 4–106

Baud rates, 5–15

Bidirectional printing, 4–113

Bottom of form, open platen, 4–114

BTU, A–6

BUFFER OVERFLOW message, 6–6

Buffer print mode parameter, coax

interface, 4–46, 4–56

Buffer print parameter, twinax interface,

4–54, 4–58

Buffer Reprint, coax interface, 4–43,


Buffer Size in K parameter

Centronics, 4–101

Dataproducts, 4–103

Ethernet, 4–111

IEEE, 4–110

serial interface menu, 4–108

Busy on Strobe parameter, Centronics,


Busy signal, Centronics parallel

interface, 5–8

Byte mode, 5–9