Printronix Series 5 User Manual

Page 159

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Configuration Menus

from the Poll Character xx MS on the front panel from 0 through 30).

This n milliseconds is called the poll delay. The poll character will be

removed from the input data stream and will not be processed. This

may cause problems with the transmission of binary data (e.g. control

codes, bit image, etc.). If a poll delay is started due to the receipt of a

poll character and another poll character is received, the second poll

character has no effect, and is removed from the input data stream. If a

transition (from buffer full to empty or online to offline) occurs during a

poll delay, the new printer state will be sent at the end of the poll delay.

The response characters are described in the following table:

Printer State


Online and Buffer Empty


Online and Buffer Full


Offline and Buffer Empty


Offline and Buffer Full


SERIES 1 2 CHAR: – This protocol behaves exactly the same as the

Series1 Char except there is a two–character response to the host. The

response characters are described in the following table:

Printer State


Online and Buffer Empty

1 CR

Online and Buffer Full

3 CR

Offline and Buffer Empty

0 CR

Offline and Buffer Full

2 CR

Baud Rate

This parameter sets the baud rate of the serial interface in the printer. Baud rate

is the speed at which serial data is transferred between the host computer and

the printer. The choices for the RS–232 and RS–422 interfaces are 600, 1200,

2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115K Baud.

NOTE: If you select a baud rate that is greater than 19200, you may need

to use RS–422 to prevent data loss. You may need to increase the

Buffer Size in K parameter from the default (1 Kbyte), to improve
