Miscellaneous commands, 253
Mode, TN5250/3270, 65
Mode, Wireless, 49
Model Type, Print Model, 59
Model Type, Print Path, 56
Models, 15
setting a formfeed, 279
setting onlcr, 278
print job, 261
printer, 261
configuration checklist, 126
define printer to JES, 132
JES spool printer sharing, 138
port switching printer sharing, 140
printer connection, 131
requirements, 125
Log Path, 62
Print Model, 59
Print Path, 55
Naming schemes, NIC, 266
NetBIOS TCP/IP, Windows Network, 53
configuration, 43
connection, 21
NIC cannot be found, 270
status, 83
TCP/IP, 43
Network Interface Card, 11
Network Name, Wireless, 49
Network sharing, AS/400, 181
NIC, 11
cannot be found, 270
cannot be found on network,
troubleshooting, 276
change destination names, 90
configuration for AIX 4, 120
configuration menu, 42
configuration, Windows, 86
destinations, 15
guest user, 257
HTML structure, 37
installation, 21
naming schemes, 266
passwords, 257
queues, 15
reset password, 259
root user, 257
running AS400 with TN5250, 208
security, 257
special features, 12
users, 257
verification, 25
No extra page, troubleshooting, 279
No form feed, troubleshooting, 279
Notes, 20
Notices, 20
access methods, 217
command prefixes, 218