Menu 11: set low funds warning, Setting up the meter • 4 – Pitney Bowes PostPerfect B700 User Manual

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SV60941 Rev. B

The meter warns you when the descending register ($ Avail-
reaches a certain default value. You can set a different
amount as follows.

1. The display prompts “Set Low Funds Warn?”

2. Press Yes.

3. The display prompts “Enter Amnt” and shows the current


4. Key in the low funds amount using the number keys and

press Enter. You must enter the decimal point. For ex-
ample, press the 5, 0, (.) and Enter keys for a low funds
warning amount of $50.

5. The display prompts “Amount Set” and the meter ad-

vances to the next item in the setup menu.

NOTE: If you enter a value the meter can't accept, it
prompts “Value Error,” leaves the original default value un-
changed and returns to the “Set Low Funds Warn?” prompt.

If you make a mistake while entering the new value, or de-
cide not to change it, press C (Clear), then Enter. The low
funds amount will not change and the meter returns to the
“Set Low Funds Warn” prompt.

Menu 11:
Set Low Funds

Setting Up the Meter • 4