SMC Networks SMCWHSG44-G User Manual
Page 35
• Amount of Money Per Unit: defines the money to be charged per unit.
• Unit of Session time (min): defines the time frame (by min) for the user
to access the Internet. Default is '1' min. For example: x number of
minutes = 1 Unit of Session Time
• Valid period (hour): to define the valid period (by hour) while the user
account is generated. If the user account is generated but not activated
during the valid period, the gateway will automatically disable the user
after the valid period expired. Default is '1' hour.
• Print wireless information (SSID, security method and encryption key):
by checking the box, the SSID, security method and encryption key information
will appear on the printed ticket. This information can be configured in the
Wireless/Security section within the Web manager interface. (See section
Fig. 22. Ticket Settings (Default settings)
4. Go to the section STATUS\Account Table, to manually generate users.
These users are permanent and do not have a predefined amount of time.
Fig. 23. Local User Generator
5. The status of generated local users will be shown in the 'Account Table
List'. The 'User Name' and 'Password' are randomly generated by the key-
pad/printer combo. Users must use the generated username and password
for the logon process. There are 3 types of status of each user account:
• Register: shows the generated user who has not yet logged on and been
• Active: the generated user who has successfully logged on and accessed
the Internet. The MAC address and Login Time of the activated user will
be also shown while user has been activated.
• Inactive: shows the user account that access time frame has expired, or
'Valid Period' expired.