Registering a listener with an atcommand instance – Siemens TC65 User Manual

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TC65 JAVA User's Guide
Strictly confidential / Released


TC65 JAVA User's Guide_V05

Page 87 of 90


/* take some action when the DCD signal changes if you want to */

public void DSRChanged(boolean SignalState {}
/* take some action when the DSR signal changes if you want to */

public void CONNChanged(boolean SignalState {}
/* take some action when the state of a connection changes if you want
to */

} Registering a Listener with an ATCommand Instance

After creating an instance of the ATCommandListener class, it must be passed as a
parameter to the ATCommand.addListener() method. The callback methods of the instance
will be called by the runtime system each time the corresponding events (URCs or signal
state changes) occur on the corresponding device AT parser.

/* we have two ATCommands instances, atc1 and atc2 */
ATListenerA reminder_listener = new ATListenerA();
ATListenerB card_listener = new ATListenerB();


The ATCommand.removeListener() method removes a listener object that has been
previously added to the internal list table of listener objects. After it has been removed from
the list it will not be called when URCs occur. If it was not previously registered the list
remains unchanged.

The same ATCommandListener may be added to several ATCommand instances and
several ATCommandListeners may be added to the same ATCommand.