Compile, Run on the module with manual start, Run on the module with autostart – Siemens Java TC65 User Manual
Page 49: 2 compile, 3 run on the module with manual start, 4 run on the module with autostart
TC65 JAVA User's Guide
Strictly confidential / Released
TC65 JAVA User's Guide_V05
Page 49 of 90
9.2 Compile
• Launch a Command Prompt. This can be done from the Programs menu or by typing
“cmd” at the Run… prompt in the Start menu.
• Change to the directory where the code to be compiled is kept.
• Compile the program with the SDK. Examples of build batch files can be found in each
sample program found in the examples directory, \Siemens\SMTK\TC65\wtk\src\example.
• If the compile was successful the program can be run from the command line. Examples
of run batch files can be found in the examples directories listed above as well.
The batch files for compiling and running the samples refer to master batch files in the
…\Siemens\SMTK\TC65\wtk\bin directory and use the system environment variables
IMPNG_JDK_DIR and IMPNG_DIR. IMPNG_JDK_DIR points to the root directory of the
installed JDK and IMPNG_DIR points to the root directory of the Siemens-SMTK-TC65-
IMPNG installation. The installation process sets these environment variables. A modification
is usually not necessary. They may be modified as requested (e.g. when switching to a
different JDK) via the advanced system properties.
Run on the Module with Manual Start
• Compile the application at the prompt as discussed in Section 9.2 or in an IDE.
• Transfer the .jar and .jad file from the development platform to the desired directory on the
module using the Module Exchange Suite or OTA provisioning. Chapter 7 explains how to
download your application to the module.
• Start a terminal program and connect to ASC0.
• The command at^sjra is used to start the application and is sent to the module via your
terminal program. Either the application can be started by .jar or by .jad file.
In your terminal program enter: at^sjra=a:/java/jam/example/helloworld/helloworld.jar
If you prefer to start with .jad file: at^sjra=a:/java/jam/example/helloworld/helloworld.jad
The Flash file system on the module is referenced by “a:”.
Depending on which file you specify the java application manager tries to find the
corresponding file in the same directory. This search is not done by name, but by comparing
the contained attributes. The first file which contains the same values for MIDlet-Name,
MIDlet-Version and MIDlet-Vendor is used.
Run on the Module with Autostart
• Compile the application at the prompt as discussed in Section 9.2 or in an SMTK
integrated IDE.
• Transfer the .jar and .jad file from the development platform to the desired directory on the
module using the Module Exchange Suite or OTA provisioning. See Chapter 7.