Installing sun java studio mobility 6, Installing eclipse 3.0, Installing borland jbuilder x and 2005 – Siemens Java TC65 User Manual
Page 14: Installing module exchange suite (mes), 3 installing sun java studio mobility 6, 4 installing eclipse 3.0, 6 installing module exchange suite (mes)

TC65 JAVA User's Guide
Strictly confidential / Released
TC65 JAVA User's Guide_V05
Page 14 of 90
7. If the SDK and one or more Java IDEs are found, you will be asked to choose which IDE
you want integrated into the TC65 development environment. Once an IDE has been
found and selected, press "Next" to continue. Ensure that your Java IDE is closed.
8. Select the folder where the TC65 SMTK will be installed. A folder will be suggested to
you but you may browse to select a different one.
9. Choose the path that TC65 will appear under in the Start Menu.
10. A brief summary of all entries made is shown. Press “Next” to continue.
11. A dialog box will inform you that the Module Exchange Suite (MES) will be installed in the
next step. Please press “OK”. A separate setup wizard for the Module Exchange Suite
will be opened. Please follow the setup wizard’s instructions.
12. After step 11, all necessary files will be copied from the CD into the target folder.
13. This is the final step. Again, a listing of all installed components appears. Please press
“Finish” to end the installation
Installing Sun Java Studio Mobility 6
1. Sun Java Studio Mobility 6 is provided on the TC65 SMTK installation disk in the
subdirectory “SJSM6”. To begin installation, start jstudio_M04q3-win-ml.exe and follow
the Sun Studio setup procedure instructions.
2. On the first use of Sun™ Studio 6 after installation, you will be prompted to specify a
personal Java folder. Each user may have their own Java folder.
Note: The integration of the SMTK into Sun™ Studio 6 is only possible if the personal
user folder is set. It can only be rolled back by the user who installed the SMTK. If all
users use the same Java folder, any user may roll back the integration.
Installing Eclipse 3.0
Eclipse can be freely downloaded from In order to use Eclipse with
the TC65 the EclipseME plug-in is also needed. It can be downloaded from
. A customized version of this plug-in also comes with TC65 SMTK. It is
currently recommend that this version be used.
Installing Borland JBuilder X and 2005
Borland JBuilder can be purchased from
Note: The installation path name of JBuilder should not include space characters.
There are also 30 days trial versions available on the website. Installation instructions can be
found on the web page.
Installing Module Exchange Suite (MES)
The Module Exchange Suite (MES) is installed during the SMTK installation. If you would like
to install the Module Exchange Suite separately, repair or remove it, please use the Module
Exchange Suite (MES) setup.exe, which is located on the TC65 SMTK installation disk in the
subdirectory “MES”.