Configuration of serial interface, Java commands, Restrictions – Siemens Java TC65 User Manual

Page 28: Flash file system, Memory

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TC65 JAVA User's Guide
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TC65 JAVA User's Guide_V05

Page 28 of 90



Configuration of Serial Interface

While a Java application is running on the module, only the AT Command API is able to
handle AT commands. All AT commands referring to a serial interface are ignored. In
particular these commands:
• AT\Q3

If Java is running, the firmware will ignore any settings from these commands. Responses to
the read, write or test commands will be invalid or deliver “ERROR”.

Note: When a Java application is running, all settings of the serial interface are done with the
class CommConnection. This is fully independent of any AT commands relating to a serial

5.7.5 Java


There is a small set of special Java AT commands:
• at^sjra, start a Java application

• at^sjnet, configuration of Java networking connections
• at^sjotap, start and configuration of over the air provisioning
• at^sjsec, security configuration

Refer to the AT command set [3].

5.8 Restrictions


Flash File System

The maximum length of a complete path name, including the path and the filename, is limited
by the Flash file system on the module to 124 characters. It is recommended names of
classes and files be distinguished by more than case sensitivity.

5.8.2 Memory

The CLDC 1.1 HI features a just-in-time compiler. This means that parts of the Java byte
code which are frequently executed are translated into machine code to improve efficiency.
This feature uses up RAM space. There is always a trade off between code translation to
speed up execution and RAM space available for the application.