Time out values and result codes, Tips and tricks for otap, 7 time out values and result codes – Siemens Java TC65 User Manual

Page 45: 8 tips and tricks for otap

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TC65 JAVA User's Guide
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TC65 JAVA User's Guide_V05

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Time Out Values and Result Codes

• Closedown Timeout: 10 seconds

• Safety Timeout: 10 minutes

Result Codes: Supported status codes in body of the http POST request:
• 900 Success

• 901 Insufficient memory in filesystem
• 902 -not supported-
• 903 -not supported-
• 904 JAR size mismatch, given size in JAD file does not match real size of jar file
• 905 Attribute mismatch, one of the mandatory attributes MIDlet-name, MIDlet-version,

MIDlet-Vendor in the JAD file does not match those given in the JAR manifest

• 906 invalid descriptor, something is wrong with the format of the .jad file
• 907 invalid JAR, the JAR file was not available under MIDlet-Jar-URL, files could not be

extracted from JAR archive, or something else is wrong with the format of the file.

• 908 incompatible configuration or profile
• 909 application authentication failure, signature did not match certificate
• 910 application authorization failure, tried to replace signed with unsigned version
• 911 -not supported-
• 912 Delete Notification

All HTTP packets (GET, POST) sent by the module contain the IMEI number in the User-
Agent field, e.g.

User-Agent: TC65/000012345678903 Profile/IMP-NG Configuration/CLDC-1.1

This eases device identification at the HTTP server.


Tips and Tricks for OTAP

• For security reasons it is recommended that an SMS password be used. Otherwise the

“delete” operation can remove entire directories without any authentication.

• For extra security, set up a private CSD/PPP Server and set its phone number as a fixed

parameter. This way, applications can only be downloaded from one specific server.

• As a side effect, OTAP can be used to simply reboot the module. Simply start an OTAP

procedure with a parameter set which will not really do anything, such as a delete
operation on a nonexistent directory.

• If you do not want to start OTAP by SMS let your Java application do it by issuing the


command. This triggers an install/update operation as described in chapter

8.6.1 but without the SMS part.
Note: If a malfunctioning Java application is loaded the SM method will still be needed for
another update.

• The OTAP procedure cannot be tested in the debug environment
• Be aware that the module needs to be logged into the network to do OTAP. That means

that either the Java application must enter the PIN, the PIN needs to be disabled or
Autopin (see AT Command Set [3]) needs be used.

• The OTAP procedure might fail due to call collision, e.g. an incoming call when OTAP

tries to start a CSD connection.