Manual shutdown, Restart after switch off, Special at command set for java applications – Siemens Java TC65 User Manual

Page 27: Switching from data mode to command mode, Mode indication after midlet startup, Long responses

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TC65 JAVA User's Guide
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TC65 JAVA User's Guide_V05

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5.6.2 Manual


The module can be switched off manually with the AT command, at^smso or when using the
TC65 terminal by pressing the ignition key for a period of time (see [4]). In these cases the
midlets destroyApp method is called and the application has 5s time to clean up and call the
notifydestroy method. After the 5s the VM is shut down.


Restart after Switch Off

When the module is switched off without setting an alarm time (see the AT Command Set
[3]), e.g. after a power failure, external hardware must restart the module with the Ignition line
(IGT). The Hardware Interface Description [4] explains how to handle a switched off situation.


Special AT Command Set for Java Applications

For the full AT command set refer to [3]. There are differences in the behaviour AT
commands issued from a Java application in comparison to AT commands issued over a
serial interface.


Switching from Data Mode to Command Mode

Cancellation of the data flow with “+++” is not available in Java applications, see [3] for
details. To break the data flow use breakConnection(). Refer to \wtk\doc\index.html [5].


Mode Indication after MIDlet Startup

After starting a module without autobauding on, the startup state is indicated over the serial
interface. Similarly, after MIDlet startup the module sends its startup state (^SYSSTART,
^SYSSTART ALARM MODE etc.) to the MIDlet. This is done via a URC to the AT Command
API instance which executes the very first AT Command from within Java. To read this URC
it is necessary to register a listener (see [5]) on this AT Command API instance before
passing the first AT Command.

5.7.3 Long


The AT Command API can handle responses of AT commands up to a length of 1024 bytes.
Some AT commands have responses longer than 1024 bytes, for these responses the Java
application will receive an Exception.

Existing workarounds:
• Instead of listing the whole phone book, read the entries one by one
• Instead of listing the entire short message memory, again list message after message

• Similarly, read the provider list piecewise
• Periods of monitoring commands have to be handled by Java, e.g. at^moni, at^smong.

These AT commands have to be used without parameters, e.g. for at^moni the periods
must be implemented in Java.