Otap tracer, Security, 9 otap tracer – Siemens Java TC65 User Manual

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TC65 JAVA User's Guide
Strictly confidential / Released


TC65 JAVA User's Guide_V05

Page 46 of 90


8.9 OTAP


For easy debugging of the OTAP scenario, the OTAP procedure can be traced over the
serial interface. The trace output shows details of the OTAP procedure and the used
parameters. To enable the OTAP trace output use the at command


, e.g.


The serial interface on which you issue this command is then exclusively used for the OTAP
tracer. All other functionality which is normally present (AT commands or CommConnection
and System.out in Java) is not available when the tracer is on.

This feature is intended to be used during development phase and not in deployed devices.

8.10 Security

Java Security as described in chapter 11 also has consequences for OTAP. If the module is
in secured mode the MIDlet signature is also relevant to the OTAP procedure. This means:

• if the application is a unsigned version of a installed signed version of the same

application then status code 910 is returned

• if the applications signature does not match the module’s certificate then status code 909

is returned