Connecting to your desktop pc, Installing microsoft activesync, Connecting by serial port – Siemens SL4 User Manual

Page 26: Rqqhfwlqj wr \rxu ghvnwrs 3, Qvwdoolqj 0lfurvriw $fwlyh6\qf, Rqqhfwlqj e\ vhuldo sruw

Connecting to your desktop pc, Installing microsoft activesync, Connecting by serial port | Rqqhfwlqj wr \rxu ghvnwrs 3, Qvwdoolqj 0lfurvriw $fwlyh6\qf, Rqqhfwlqj e\ vhuldo sruw | Siemens SL4 User Manual | Page 26 / 104 Connecting to your desktop pc, Installing microsoft activesync, Connecting by serial port | Rqqhfwlqj wr \rxu ghvnwrs 3, Qvwdoolqj 0lfurvriw $fwlyh6\qf, Rqqhfwlqj e\ vhuldo sruw | Siemens SL4 User Manual | Page 26 / 104