Swann DVR4-NET User Manual

Page 10

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10. Record Setup
When the cursor moves to Record Setup, then push enter button, the Record Setup window
will appear, which is illustrated as below. Push up or down button to move the cursor. Push
+”or “-” button to change the value. While the DVR is in recording or playback mode, you
cannot access to this menu unless you stop record or play first.

OVER WRITE: if set to “YES”, the DVR will automatically overwrite the HDD from the
beginning when the HDD is full. If set to “
NO”, the DVR will automatically stop recording
when the HDD is full.

REC SPEED: the recording frame rate of the DVR, factory default setting is 30F/1SEC for
NTSC (25F/1SEC for PAL), Which means DVR records the events at the speed of 30 shots
of frames per second. The higher the record frame rate, the more natural look will be
displayed on the screen when you playback. The lower the record frame rate, the more you
can save the space on the hard disk drive. The highest frame rate is
60F/1SEC(PAL -

REC QUALITY: There are four different video quality settings: LOW, NORMAL, HIGH and
VERY HIGH. The higher the video quality, the clearer images when you playback. The lower
the video quality, the more you can save the space on the hard disk drive.

RESOLUTION: the record picture size of the DVR, there are two modes: 360 and
720,default is 360. In 720 mode, the record picture is twice bigger than in 360 mode, but in
360 mode can save half of HDD usage.

PB SPEED: the frame rate of playback, default is NO USE, which means the same as record.

AUDIO ENABLE: audio select, the DVR has one record channel, you can select one in four
channels, the default is channel one.

A/M REC TIME: when a motion or sensor alarm occurs, this option sets the DVR recording
duration, the default is one minute.


Enter the correct IP address of the DVR4Net (if connecting over the Internet you will need to
enter the
IP address of your Broadband Modem or Router) and select PAL or NTSC
according to the TV system in your location, then click “OK”. When users survey by Internet,
To view the DVR4Net from the Internet you should first enable
Port Forwarding (sometimes
Virtual Server) on ports 5000-5002 on your router and forward these ports to the IP
address assigned to the DVR4Net. Consult the manual of your Broadband Modem or Router
for information on how to do this.
Once the correct settings are made and you have entered the correct details you will see the
window below.

The various software buttons of the remote viewing software are detailed below.

- 1. Live: if you select this, you can connect to the DVR from the Internet and view live
pictures on the DVR.
- 2. Net Search: if you select this, you can search the video recorded on HDD of the DVR,
- 3. Local Search: if you select this, you can play the video recorded on you computer.
- 4. HDD Scan: it can scan all video information on a HDD that has been used on a DVR.
- 5. Connect button: begin connection with DVR4Net
- 6. Disconnect button: disconnect from DVR4Net
- 7. Local record button: Click on this icon,to record the pictures from the DVR to your local
computers HDD.
- 8. Setting: click to display the settings window.

Live Operation: if the software is in live mode (click ), then click , it will connect to the
DVR, and the live pictures will be transmitted to display on the window. Click , to stop
transmitting picture.