Siemens Simantic Net NCM for Industrial Ethernet S7 User Manual
Page 16
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
S7 communication
S7 communication forms a simple and efficient interface between SIMATIC S7
stations and PGs/PCs using communication function blocks.
S5-compatible communication with SEND/RECEIVE interface
Depending on the CP type, the SEND/RECEIVE interface allows
program-controlled communication on a configured connection from a SIMATIC
S7 PLC to another SIMATIC S7 PLC, to a SIMATIC S5 PLC, to PCs/PGs, and
to any other station.
Depending on the CP type, the following communications services are available
on the SEND/RECEIVE interface:
– ISO Transport
optimized for top performance at the self-contained manufacturing level
– TCP/IP for internetwork communication with
ISO-on-TCP connections (RFC 1006), TCP connections and
UDP datagram service (including broadcast / multicast).
– Sending E-mail
The controller is capable of sending messages triggered by process events
(refer to the IT-CP manual for details /5/).
S5-compatible communication with FETCH/WRITE services (server)
The FETCH/WRITE services (server) allow direct access to the system
memory areas on the SIMATIC S7 CPU from SIMATIC S5 or from devices of
other ranges.
Depending on the CP type, the following communications services are available
for FETCH/WRITE access:
– ISO Transport
optimized for top performance at the self-contained manufacturing level
– TCP/IP for internetwork communication with
ISO-on-TCP connections (RFC 1006), TCP connections.
PROFInet communication
PROFInet is a standard of the PROFIBUS Users organization defining a
heterogeneous communications and engineering model.
An S7-300 station equipped with a CP capable of PROFInet can be
interconnected as a PROFInet component in SIMATIC iMap.
TCP connections are used for the PROFInet communication.
For more detailed information on PROFInet, refer to /23/.
HTML process control
With an IT-CP, use the supplied functions and HTML pages to query important
system data using a Web browser (you should also refer to the instructions on
the IT-CP /5/).