Subscriber accounts, System capabilities, Ring tones – Sun Microsystems Sun Java System Content Delivery Server 5 User Manual

Page 270: Subscriber, Profile, Subscriber plan

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A Profile defines a set of APIs that a developer can use in applications
submitted to the

Content Delivery Server. See also

Developer Plans


Purchase Price

A monetary value assigned to an item of content. The currency type as seen by
subscribers is determined by individual Vending Managers. The monetary
value is initially assigned by the Catalog Manager administrator in the local
currency of that administrator.

Record Management

System (RMS)

A simple record-oriented database that allows a MIDlet to persistently store
information and retrieve it later. Different MIDlets can also use the RMS to
share data.

Ring Tones

A content type that is supported by the

Content Delivery Server. Also, the

sound heard by someone receiving a call.

Short Message Service


A service for sending messages of up to 160 characters (224 characters if using
a 5-bit mode) to mobile phones that use Global System for Mobile (GSM)

Stocked Item

Content that is stocked on a

Vending Manager

and is available to subscribers

for download.


An individual who downloads content from the

Vending Manager


Subscriber Accounts

An account that defines an individual who subscribes to a service plan that
provides them with the download service. Subscriber Accounts are associated
with one or more

Subscriber Plan


Subscriber Plan

A plan that determines the content that a subscriber can access and download.

Subscriber Accounts

are assigned to Subscriber Plans. A Subscriber Plan is

mapped to selected categories in the Vending Manager. The content in the
selected categories is made available to plan members. If content is in a
category that is not supported by the Subscriber Plan, the subscriber cannot
access it.

Content supported in one Subscriber Plan can be included in another
Subscriber Plan by nesting plans. This allows you to create a hierarchy of
Subscriber Plans.

System Administrator

Person responsible for installation, configuration, deployment, and
performance of the Content Delivery Server.

System Capabilities

System capabilities are primarily used by the Content Delivery Server. They
define capabilities that a device must have in order to perform Content
Delivery Server functionality. For instance, system capabilities define whether
a device supports SMS or WAP Push.