Managing bundles – Sun Microsystems Sun Java System Content Delivery Server 5 User Manual

Page 192

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Chapter 3

Vending Manager


6. Change the purchase price in one of the following ways:

Enter a new purchase price.

Increase or decrease the purchase amount by N per cent.

Increase or decrease the purchase price by a dollar amount.

The price is applied to all selected content regardless of their pricing models. For
example, if SpruceDraw is $5.00 per monthly subscription and Launch Screen is
$0.50 per download, increasing the purchase price by 10% results in SpruceDraw
being offered at $5.50 per monthly subscriptions and Launch Screen at $0.55 per

7. Click Customize Price.

8. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box to establish the change.

No Undo operation is available once you click OK. Check that your pricing changes
will affect only the desired contents. Otherwise, manually reset the pricing for
erroneously changed content.

Managing Bundles

Bundles are a collection of related files (for instance, you could have a bundle for a
particular business activity that includes an application and associated audio, video,
or image files), making the information accessible to subscribers in a convenient
form. The Vending Manager administrator creates and manages bundles.

This section covers the following topics:

Bundle Pricing

Creating a Bundle

Viewing Bundle Information

Changing the Status of a Bundle

A subscriber can only see the bundles in the list of available content if all the items
within a bundle can run on the subscriber’s device. By examining the details of a
bundle, a subscriber can see the items that the bundle contains.

When the status of a bundled item of content is changed from Published to
Unpublished by a Catalog Manager administrator, it remains in the bundle but is
unavailable to subscribers. In the bundle’s property page, subscribers who already
purchased the bundle see a status of Unavailable for the content item. Subscribers
purchasing the bundle do not see the content in the bundle’s content list.

If the status of the content is changed back to Published, one of the following
situations occurs: