IBM CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 SC33-1686-02 User Manual
Page 223

The 1-or 2-character suffix of a terminal list table (TLT).
COldacq (
vtam only)
This is a special form of ACQUIRED, where no
resynchronization is required. If the previous session
abended, the use of COLDACQ overrides CICS integrity
control. This could lead to integrity problems. Also, you
should check the CSMT log for an activity keypoint after
the restart of a session following a CICS failure. If there
is no activity keypoint, you should issue COLDACQ
again after the next emergency restart.
CReate (
vtam only)
If the terminal is not in session, CICS is to acquire it if it
is needed to satisfy an ATI request.
Any transaction running with this terminal is immediately
terminated abnormally. Data integrity is not guaranteed.
In some extreme cases (for example, if an error occurs
during backout processing), CICS might terminate
The terminal is available for use. For VTAM, INSERVICE
means that the terminal can be ACQUIRED.
NOAti (
vtam only)
The terminal is not available for use by transactions that
are initiated automatically from within CICS or, if the
terminal is an ISC session, by transactions that are
using this session as an alternative facility to
communicate with another system.
Note: A terminal cannot be defined with both NOATI
and NOTTI.
NOCreate (
vtam only)
If the terminal is not in session, CICS is not to acquire it
to satisfy an ATI request. A session must be started by,
for example, a logon request or a CEMT SET
TERMINAL ACQUIRED command before the ATI
request can be satisfied.
If NOCREATE is set for an LU6.1 ISC session and there
are no allocatable sessions left, the connection is placed
NOTti (
vtam only)
This terminal cannot be used by transactions that are
initiated from this terminal.
Note: A terminal cannot be defined with both NOATI
and NOTTI.
The terminal is not available for use. Setting a terminal
OUTSERVICE means that the terminal can no longer be
used by transactions. If PURGE or FORCEPURGE is
also specified, any transaction using the terminal is
terminated abnormally. If PURGE or FORCEPURGE is
not specified, the transaction is allowed to terminate
normally, but no further transactions are allowed to use
the terminal. For VTAM, setting a terminal
OUTSERVICE also causes it to be released and the
operator to be signed off, either immediately or when the
current transaction has terminated.
In an LU6.1 ISC session the connection is set
OUTSERVICE if there are no allocatable sessions left.
To set an IRC session OUTSERVICE, you must set the
connection to the MRO partner OUTSERVICE.
PAgeable (
vtam only)
Pages after the first in a series are to be written to the
terminal only if you request them to be.
value) (vtam only)
specifies the priority of a terminal relative to other
terminals. The priority of a task is the sum of the
transaction priority, the terminal priority, and the operator
priority. Priority has no meaning for terminals that are
ISC sessions being used as alternative facilities. The
value must be in the range 0–255, where 255 is the
highest priority.
Any transaction running with this terminal is purged only
if system and data integrity can be maintained.
RELeased (
vtam only)
CICS is not in session with the logical unit represented
by the terminal. Setting a terminal RELEASED causes
the session to be terminated. Running transactions are
allowed to finish unless PURGE or FORCEPURGE is
also specified.
TTi (
vtam only)
This terminal can be used by transactions.
Chapter 11. Master terminal CEMT