IBM CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 SC33-1686-02 User Manual
Page 211

When EDF is active, CEDF initiation and termination
screens are to be shown by CEDF while this program is
running. Other screens are also to be shown unless the
program was translated using the NOEDF translator
specifies the 2-character suffix of a program list table
(PLT). Use this option to inquire on those programs
defined in the specified PLT. Note that, unlike a
shutdown PLT, it is not mandatory to define a program
definition for a startup PLT. However, if you want to use
the CLASS option, you must define and install a
program resource definition for the PLT specified by
If the clasid specified is the suffix of a PLT that does not
have a program definition, the INQUIRE PROGRAM
CLASS(clasid) command returns a ‘CLASS NOT
FOUND’ message.
You cannot specify CLASS and a program name.
| DEbug
The JVM is to operate in debugging mode for this
The program is not available for use. Programs
beginning with “DFH” cannot be disabled because these
characters are reserved for use by CICS.
The program is restricted to the DPL API subset, as for
a distributed program link request, when it runs in the
local CICS region.
A program is always restricted to the DPL subset when it
is invoked in a remote region via a DPL request,
regardless of this option.
The program is available for use.
The program is not restricted to the DPL subset of the
CICS API when it runs in the local CICS region, and can
use the full API.
The program is to run under the control of a Java Virtual
Machine (JVM).
| JVMClass(
specifies the name of the main JVM class in the JAVA
program that is to be given control by the JVM.
CICS is to use a new copy of the program when all the
transactions currently using the program have finished
(RESCOUNT equal to zero). CICS loads the new
version either from the DFHRPL library concatenation or
uses an LPA-resident version, depending on the
PRIVATE or SHARED options. PRIVATE is the default
Note: NEWCOPY cannot be specified either for a
program specified with the HOLD option. This
value is ignored for a JVM program.
| NODebug
The JVM is not to operate in debug mode for this
| NOJvm
The program is not to run under the control a a JVM.
Any value in the JVMCLASS option is ignored and the
runtime environment of the program is unknown until it is
next loaded by CICS, at which point its language, and
hence whether it will run with LE370 support, will be
All CEDF activities, including initiation and termination
screens, are to stop while this program is being
CICS is to use a new copy of the program now for all
new transaction requests. CICS continues to use the old
copy for all currently running transactions until they have
finished (RESCOUNT equal to zero). CICS loads the
new version either from the DFHRPL library
concatenation or uses an LPA-resident version,
depending on the PRIVATE or SHARED options.
PRIVATE is the default setting.
Note: PHASEIN cannot be specified for a program
specified with the HOLD option. This value is
ignored for a JVM program.
PHASEIN performs a REFRESH PROGRAM function to
inform the loader domain that a new version of the
program has been cataloged and that this version of the
named program should be used in all future ACQUIRE
Until the program goes to a zero RESCOUNT and a
subsequent ACQUIRE PROGRAM has been performed,
CEMT INQUIRE PROGRAM ( ) will return information on
the first copy of the program.
The next new copy of the program is to be loaded from
the DFHRPL library. This is the default action.
CICS is to use a shared copy of the program from the
LPA as the next new copy of the program. This value is
ignored for a JVM program.
Chapter 11. Master terminal CEMT