IBM CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 SC33-1686-02 User Manual

Page 105

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It indicates that when a file is next opened, its
data is erased.


Applies only to VSAM files. It indicates that when
a file is next opened, its data is not erased.

Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with a

different value.


displays whether transactions can access the file. The
values are:


The file is available for use by transactions and, if
closed, it is opened on the first request.


The file is not available for use by transactions
except for those that are currently using it. If there
are any such users, ‘BEING CLOSED’ is also

This status is the same as DISABLED except that
it occurs implicitly when a SET FILE CLOSE is
requested. The file is enabled implicitly by a SET
FILE OPEN command.


The file is not available for use by transactions
except for those that are currently using it. If there
are any such users, ‘BEING DISABLED’ is also

The file can be reenabled by a SET FILE
ENABLED command. (See also UNENABLED.)

It is not possible to disable a remote file.

Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with

Enabled or Disabled.

Exclstatus (

BDAM only)

displays whether records on this file are to be placed
under exclusive control when a read for update is
issued. The values are:


Records on the file are protected from
simultaneous update.


Records on the file are not protected from
simultaneous update.


indicates that this panel relates to a file inquiry and
displays an 8-character file name.

| Keylength(



displays the length of the record key for a file associated


with a VSAM KSDS or a file associated with a coupling


facility data table. If the file is associated with a BDAM


data set, the value is the length of the logical key used


for deblocking.




1. If the file is closed and the key length is not defined


in the file definition, CICS displays a zero value.


2. If the file is closed and a key length is defined on


the file definition, CICS displays the value from the


file definition.


3. Generally, if a file is open, CICS obtains the key


length from the associated data set, in which case


CICS displays the value from the data set.


However, files that refer to coupling facility data


tables defined with LOAD(NO) must get their


keylength from the file definition, in which case


CICS returns the defined value when the file is


open. This value must also match that of the


coupling facility data table if it has already been



| Loadtype

displays the load type for a coupling facility data table.


The values are:




The coupling facility data table is, or is to be,


preloaded from a source data set.




The coupling facility data table is not preloaded


from a source data set.



displays the maximum number of records that the data
table for this file can hold.




1. If the file resource definition specifies a


MAXNUMRECS numeric value, even though the


object is not a table (NOTTABLE is displayed on the


TABLE option), CICS displays the specified value.


The value can be in the range 1 through


99 999 999.


2. If the file resource definition is specified with


MAXNUMRECS(NOLIMIT), meaning the number of


records is unlimited, CICS displays a value of zero.


(Internally, CICS holds NOLIMIT as the maximum


positive fullword value (+2147483647 or








3. If the file is remote, CICS displays a value of minus


1 (-1).


4. If the object is a coupling facility data table:


The maximum number of records can be


altered by a coupling facility data table server


command, leaving the file definition


MAXNUMRECS value unchanged. CICS


displays the value in the file definition until the


file is opened, after which CICS displays the


actual MAXNUMRECS value defined to the



Chapter 11. Master terminal CEMT