Monessen Hearth WIDEVIEW WDV500 User Manual

Page 14

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WDV Series Gas Fireplace

VentInG InstallatIOn

VertIcal/hOrIZOntal terMInatIOn

since it is very important that the venting system main-
tain its balance between the combustion air intake and
the flue gas exhaust, certain limitations as to vent con-
figurations apply and must be strictly adhered to.
The Vent Graph, showing the relationship between vertical
and horizontal side wall venting, will help to determine the
various dimensions allowable. Figure 10
nOte: Horizontal and vertical sections of this vent system
require a minimum of 1" clearance to combustibles at the
top, sides and bottom.
When vent exits through foundations less than 20" below
outcrop, the termination must be flush up with outcropped
wall above.
It is best to locate the fireplace in such a way that minimizes
the number of offsets and horizontal vent length.
The horizontal vent run refers to the total length of vent
pipe from the flue collar of the fireplace (or the top of the
Transition Elbow) to the face of the finished outside wall.

The maximum number of 90° elbows per side wall

installation is three (3). Figure 11

A minimum of 12" is required before a 90° elbow. If a 90°

elbow is fitted directly after 12" vertical section mounted
to the top of the fireplace, the maximum horizontal vent
run before the termination or a vertical rise is 36” (914
mm). Figure 12

max 90 bends

Figure 11 -
Maximum Three (3) 90° Elbows Per Installation

3 x 90°

12" Min.


In Figures 13 and 14 dimension A plus B must not be
greater than 17' (5.2 m).

The maximum number of 45° elbows permitted per side

wall installation is two (2). These elbows can be installed
in either the vertical or horizontal run.

For each 45° elbow installed in the horizontal run, the

length of the horizontal run MUST be reduced by 18" (45
cm). This does not apply if the 45° elbows are installed
on the vertical part of the vent system.

The maximum number of elbow degrees in a system is

270°. Figure 15

Figure 12 -
Maximum Horizontal Run with No Rise

Max 20"

Max 20"


(914 mm) 



(914 mm) 


max horizontal run


(610 mm)


If a 90° elbow is used in the horizontal vent run (level

height maintained) the horizontal vent length is reduced
by 36". Refer to Page 17, Figures 11 and 12. This does
not apply if the 90° elbows are used to increase or redi-
rect a vertical rise. Figure 14

Example: According to the vent graph (Page 13) the maxi-
mum horizontal vent length in a system with a 10' vertical
rise is 17
Z\x’ (5.3 m) and if a 90° elbow is required in the
horizontal vent it must be reduced to 14
Z\x' (4.4 m).

Figure 13 -
Horizontal Run Reduction





Horizontal run 
