MSI FUZZY 945GME1 User Manual
Page 50

MS-7265 Mainboard
Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN
When [Enabled], turning the system off with the on/off button places the sys-
tem in a very low-power-usage state, with only enough circuitry receiving
power to detect power button activity or Resume by Ring activity.
Wake-Up By PCI card
When setting to [Enabled], this setting allows your system to be awakened
from the power saving modes through any event on PCI PME (Power Manage-
ment Event).
USB KB WakeUp From S3 (S4)
When setting to [Enabled], this setting allows your system to be awakened
from S3 state.
Resume by Al arm
When [Enabled], your can set the date and time at which the RTC (real-time
clock) alarm awakens the system from suspend mode.
POWER ON Function
This controls how the PS/2 mouse or keyboard can power on the system.
PWRON After PWR-fail
This item specifies whether your system will reboot after a power failure or
interrupt occurs. Available settings are:
Leaves the computer in the power off state.
Leaves the computer in the power on state.
[F ormer-sts]
Restores the system to the status before power fail
ure or interrupt occurred.
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