MSI FUZZY 945GME1 User Manual
Page 48

MS-7265 Mainboard
Onboard FDC Controller
Select [Enabled] if your system has a floppy disk controller (FDD) in-
stalled on the system board and you wish to use it. If you install add-on
FDC or the system has no floppy drive, select [Disabled] in this field.
Onboard Serial Port 1/2
These items specify the base I/O port addresses of the onboard Serial
Port 1/ Serial Port 2. Selecting [Auto] allows AMIBIOS to automatically
determine the correct base I/O port address. Settings: [3F8/IRQ4], [2F8/
IRQ3], [3E8/IRQ4], [2E8/IRQ3] and [Disabled].
SuperIO Device
Watch Dog Timer
You can enable the system watch-dog timer, a hardware timer that generates
either an NMI or a reset when the software that it monitors does not respond
as expected each time the watch dog polls it (select the time period in a
separate field). See the WDT fields, below.
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