Appendices, Connection of the cable shielding, Cont') – MGE UPS Systems Comet TM 5 - 30 kVA User Manual

Page 56

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Comet installation and user manual: E-6761200XT/FB


Merlin Gerin by MGE UPS SYSTEMS

connection of the cable shielding

The battery, emergency off and Mains 2 cables of 5 kVA Comet S11 or S31
UPSs must be shielded. This shielding musts be secured to the studs provided on
the connection cover panel, on the back of the UPS (see figure 2).
Each connection must be made as follows (see figure below):

introduce the cable wires into the cylinder and keep the cable shielding outside

the cylinder,

tie the cable shielding to the cylinder, behind its shouldered part,

connect the wires to the corresponding terminal block,

put the connection cover panel back into place and secure it with screws,

tie the cable(s) to the lower angle bracket of the connection cover panel and to

the vertical angle bracket of the other connection cover panel with mains 1 cable
and the load cable.



protective cover (removed)

connection cover panel

shielding cylinders

connection cable


cable shielding


connection cover panel

cable shielding