FUJITSU BS2000 User Manual
Page 30

2. The SVP commands are available for use at the
KVP console after selecting menu item "SVP
Commands" in the main KVP function menu.
IOSDUMP generation can be forced by selecting
"iosdump". The name of the IOSDUMP is output.
- IOHDUMP 1. With DUMP-IPL, an IOHDUMP is stored automatically
in the SLED file IOHIOSDP section and in the
/var/opt/SMAW/X2000/dump/ directory
(the file name is output in SLED message NSD7900).
2. The SVP commands are available for use at the KVP
console after selecting menu item "SVP Commands" in
the main KVP function menu.
IOHDUMP generation can be forced by selecting
"iohdump". The name of the IOHDUMP is output.
- IPL information (file /var/opt/SMAW/X2000/diag/KVP/rma_trace*)
- KVP logging file (in directory /var/opt/SMAW/X2000/log)
- KVP trace files (in directory /var/opt/SMAW/X2000/diag/KVP)
- prkdump (to be created with the system administrator
command prkdump > output file)
- sysdb trace (to be created with the system administrator
command sysdb -dt > output file)
- Traces of the tape device emulations (in directory
- Hardware configuration of the bus devices (to be saved in
a file with the command chk_conf -a > output file)
- You can save the most important diagnostic information
as a tar archive in directory
with the system administrator command save_diag (or with event
command sx.save_diag). The command syntax can be queried with
"diag_save -?".
User documents
Depending on the error boundary conditions, the following documents
will be required:
user files, tapes, procedures, job streams (including job class in-
formation), programs (source listing, load module and libraries,
execution log for the process, printer logs, as far as possible in
file form).
In the case of functional errors, information on all commands, pro-
gram inputs etc. is essential.
Documents needed for special problems
For performance problems and problems in task management:
- possibly COSMOS listing / tape or SM2 reports.
For job management problems:
- compiler listing from your own scheduler