14 support for new hardware fibrecat cx3 and lto-3 – FUJITSU BS2000 User Manual

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Performance optimization when SORT is called very often as a sub-

program (e.g. more than 10.000 times in a main program) while very
few records are sorted (e.g. less than 100).

2.14 Support for new hardware FibreCAT CX3 and LTO-3

FibreCAT CX3
The FibreCAT CX3 is the successor system of the FibreCAT


LTO-3 drives operation on SX servers is being released as of OSD/XC

V2.1 in connection with X2000 V3.0A09 (General release 01.07). Two
different configurations are supported:

- LTO-3 drives can be operated on SX servers within an FC-connected
FibreCAT TX24 library system.

- LTO-3 devices can be connected directly to SX servers (directly
means without CentricStor) via type FC channel and can be operated

in conjunction with a Quantum/ ADIC Scalar 10K, i2000 or i500 li-
brary system. Control of the new Scalar i500 library was imple-

mented in the ROBAR V6.0 version (General release 01.07).
If the high-performance LTO-3 devices are to be connected directly

to BS2000 hosts, a well-balanced configuration is supposed, i.e.
also fast disk peripherals are required, the disks must be con-

nected via Fibre Channel. New storage systems (CX500/CX700, CX3,
DMX-3) with fast disks and RAID groups RAID5 with an adequate

amount of disks or preferably RAID 1/0 are recommended. Data backup
must be performed with the new versions of HSMS/ARCHIVE and FDDRL:

In order to support the high LTO-3 data rates in an adequate way

(the maximum data rate is 160 MB/sec (compressed)), new versions of
the BS2000 backup products were released in 2006, December, that

attain corresponding data rates by parallelizing disk access. In
V16.0, FDDRL supports I/O parallelisation and, in addition, the si-

multaneous backups from two disks on a single tape (Multiplexing).
If no optimum disk configuration is available, the LTO-3 devices’

standard compression function can be switched off with the new I/O
resource manager IORM, in order to decrease the minimum data rate

that is required for the LTO-3 tapes streaming function (see IORM
TCOM tape compression function for details).

On SX100 servers, LTO-3 drives are always shipped with compression

switched off because of the low RPF performance.

2.15 Functional Enhancements with Correction Package 1/2008


OSD/XC V3.0 support for new DMX-4 hardware


In 2007, December release was given for the DMX-4 series


Symmetrix disk subsystems for connection to BS2000/OSD via


type FC channel (on S servers and SX servers) and via


type S channel (on S servers only).


For OSD/XC V3.0 Correction Package 2/2007 is required.


The SHC-OSD V6.1 subsystem serves for function support from




The lowest required correction level is V6.1A01 (release




New versions of software products


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