FUJITSU BS2000 User Manual

Page 20

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In the current release version, Apache, the world’s most popu-


lar web server, is also available for BS2000/OSD, as well as


for Windows, Linux, Solaris.With Apache V2.2, the migration to


the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.8 of the Apache Software Foundation


is complete, with support for PHP V5.2, PERL V5.8, TOMCAT V5.5


instead of JSERV/JSP. APACHE (BS2000/OSD) V2.2 includes sup-


port for the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol for secure


transfer of documents and data over the internet; the existing


add-on product interNet Security ("Apache+SSL") is omitted.




BS2ZIP is the WinZip-compliant compression tool of BS2000/OSD.


The new BS2ZIP V1.2 version offers the following functional




- The BS2ZIP SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES statement displays a list of


the ZIP archive’s files. This information can be moved into S-


variables to exploit in SDF-P procedures.


- The files within the ZIP container can be protected by a


container-associated crypto password. The Winzip 2.0 standard


encryption mechanism is being used for this purpose. It pro-


vides a relatively weak protection, but the main goal is to


allow BS2000 users to extract encrypted zip files from a Zip


archive generated on Windows, and vice-versa.


- When transferring ZIP files from/to Windows with openFT, a


converter must be used, either before transfer (transfer to


Windows) or after transfer (transfer from Windows), in order


to convert the BS2ZIP PAM file in a SAM file that can be man-


aged by openFT. In BS2ZIP V1.2 the converter function is being


integrated into BS2ZIP via the CONVERT-ZIP-CONTAINER state-




- BS2ZIP processes PLAM libraries as a whole file. Now the


PLAM-LIB indicator is set when a PLAM library is extracted. It


is no more necessary to open the file in output mode with LMS


in order to set this indicator.