8 procedure in the event of errors – FUJITSU BS2000 User Manual

Page 29

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Pubsets with an extended catalog (catalog format “extra large”)

can no longer be imported in OSD/XC < V2.0A, due to the incom-
patibly modified catalog format. The import in OSD/XC V2.0 is

possible as of correction package 2/05 (BS2000/OSD V6.0B).

3.8 Procedure in the event of errors

General information on generating error documents

To successfully diagnose and eliminate software problems, error

documents must be generated or saved to the extent required and at
the earliest possible time.

As far as possible, documents for the software problems should be
provided in file form so that they can be processed with diagnostic

In the case of reproducible errors you should describe exactly how

the error can be reproduced. If possible, you should provide proce-
dures, enter jobs, execution logs etc. so that the error situation

can be reproduced.

Information on the system environment

In addition to the error documents, the following general informa-
tion is important for error diagnosis:

- operating system version number and revision level of

OSD/XC and X2000 (loader version and any modifications in
BS2000, and version of kernel level in X2000)

- version numbers of any subsystems, OSD version-independent

products or TU programs contributing to the problem together

with their correction levels or REP files

- information as to which system exits were active

- information on the connected hardware peripherals

Documents in BS2000

The following documents will be needed, depending on the situation:
- SLED (following a system crash)

- SYSTEMDUMP (following a system dump message)


- STARTUP parameter files

- Diagnostic dump (IDIAS call: CREATE-SYSTEM-DUMP )
- SERSLOG file

- CONSLOG file

- Rep files of any subsystems involved and separate products
- HERSFILE and possibly IOTRACE for input/output problems

or device error messages



Documents in X2000

- UNIX dump (files vmcore., fjsnap. and

unix. in directory /var/crash/ after PANIC)

- IOSDUMP 1. With DUMP-IPL, an IOSDUMP is stored automatically

in the SLED file IOHIOSDP section and in the

/var/opt/SMAW/X2000/dump/channel directory (the file
name is output in SLED message NSD7901).