11 incompatibilities to osd/xc v1.1a – FUJITSU BS2000 User Manual
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2.11 Incompatibilities to OSD/XC V1.1A
The checks of the ADDRSPACE allocation for an ID have been intensi-
They now include beside all class 6 memory pages, also pages in
memory pools and data spaces as long as they can be associated with
the creator task.
If increasing the ADDRSPACE allocation does not suffice, the old
behavior of OSD/XC V1.1A can be reinstated with the optional REP
correction A0518446-001.
2.12 New Functions in OSD/XC V2.1 with Correction Package 1/2007
The following new functions are released with Correction Package
- Subsystem ASE (Auxiliary SERSLOG Extension)
- POSIX Version A39
- Utility program SANCHECK
- SPOOL V4.8
- WebTransactions for OSD (WEBTRANS-OSD) V7.1.
For more detailed information see SYSFGM.BS2OSD.060.E and
2.13 Functional Enhancements of OSD/XC V2.2 compared to OSD/XC V2.1
BS2000/OSD-BC V6.0 is the operating system base for OSD/XC V2.2. At
the time of its general release in 5.2007, OSD/XC V2.2 contains the
BS2000/OSD-BC V6.0B release including correction package 1/2007.
With Unicode support in BS2000/OSD, the EBCDIC character sets
available in BS2000/OSD systems were extended by additional charac-
ters that will be required in the European language area in the fu-
ture. Users are provided with the programming and runtime environ-
ment that they need in order to extend their existing applications
with Unicode data fields.
A suitable software configuration was provided under BS2000/OSD-BC
version V6.0B in order to support the Unicode functionality in
BS2000/OSD. It includes new versions of OSD/XC package products,
namely EDT V17.0, openNet Server V3.2, PERCON V2.9, RSO V3.5, SORT
V7.9. Release of these product versions for SX servers takes place
within the OSD/XC V2.2 version.
New versions for OSD/XC package software products with functional
EDT V17.0
EDT V17.0 can be operated in a V16.6 compatibility mode and in a
Unicode mode.
In the Unicode mode, EDT V17.0 can manage Unicode-coded files.
A comfortable support is offered the user who wants to work with
Unicode-coded files: Files with different codes can be managed si-
multaneously in different EDT work files. The former record length
limit of 256 Bytes is omitted; EDT V17.0 can manage records with up
to 32.768 Bytes when writing a file.