FUJITSU BS2000 User Manual
Page 25

The alphanumeric identifier in column 72 controls selection of
the REP records for the different code variants.
Column 72='P' The correction is only
considered for SPARC64 code
Column 72=' ' (space) The correction is only
considered for /390 code
The standard names of the REP files at system startup are:
Basic configuration SYSREP.BS2.150
The public holidays file (file for managing public holidays) must
be generated by systems support from the sample file
$TSOS.SYSDAT.CALENDAR.150.HOLIDAY or from an earlier public holi-
days file:
- File protection attributes:
Files with protection attributes intended to prevent deletion are
deleted without these protection attributes being taken into con-
sideration if a FREE-FOR-DELETION date was assigned and this has
expired (since BS2000/OSD-BC V3.0).
- DEFLUID user ID and subsystems:
When upgrading subsystems whose start time is defined as 'BEFORE-
SYSTEM-READY' you should make sure that all files required for
starting these subsystems are available under $TSOS on the home
pubset (SYSLNK (SPMLNK, SPULNK), SYSREP, possibly also SYSMES,
The user ID for loading and starting programs, procedures etc.
that can be set via the class 2 system parameter 'DEFLUID' is not
supported for these subsystems.
Messages can be exchanged or included using /COPY-MSG-FILES or
/MERGE-MSG-FILES. For performance reasons, large numbers of mes-
sages should be processed with MERGE-MSG-FILES. The command is
not listed when MSGMAKER is started. However, by entering '?' in
the 'command' field of the screen mask you can switch to guided
dialog. The call can also be made via the batch interface. It
must be ensured that the output file is always empty.
- BCAM memory values:
The values for the maximum size of the resident and paging memory
for data transfers are calculated by BCAM at startup from the
size of the system memory (BS2000 MEM-SIZE system value). The
relevant RESMEM and PAGMEM parameters should not generally be
specified in the BCAM /DCSTART, /DCOPT and /BCMOD commands, but
should retain their values set by BCAM.