Fluke 5020A User Manual
Page 115

Digital Communications Interface
This query command returns the Event Status Register. It also clears the Event Status
Register and the ESB bit of the Status Byte Register. The value returned indicates the
condition of each of the eight bits of the register by adding the binary-weighted values of
each bit. The meaning of each bit, when set (1) , is as follows where 0 is the least
significant and 7 is the most significant:
Operation complete (OPC). Execution of the
last command is completed.
Request control (RQC). No function for this
Query error (QYE). An attempt has been
made to read data when none is available or
Device dependent error (DDE). A hardware
error condition occurred.
Execution error (EXE). An invalid parameter
for a command has been received or the
command could not be executed under
existing conditions.
Command error (CME). An unrecognized
command or a command with improper syntax
has been received.
User request (URQ). No function for this
Power on (PON). Always set after the power
is switched on.
The ESB bit of the Status Byte Register (Section ) is set (1) whenever any bit of the
Event Status Register is set and its corresponding mask bit in the Event Status Enable
Register (Section ) is set. The Event Status Register is cleared when queried with the
ESR? command or when the *CLS command is received. The response in the following
example would be given after an invalid command is received by the 1560 and no other
error occurred.
Example command: *ESR?
Example response: 32
Returns the Service Request Enable Register. (See *SRE
Example: *SRE?
Response: 0
This command sets the Service Request Enable Register. This register determines which
event bits of the Status Byte Register affect the MSS Master Summary Status message bit
of the Status Byte Register and generate a service request with the IEEE-488 interface. If
any event bit of the Status Byte Register is set (1) while its corresponding mask bit of the
Service Request Enable Register is set, the MSS Master Summary Status message bit of
the Status Byte Register will be set and a service request generated. The value of the
weighted values of each mask bit. The Status Byte Register is described in section below. The following example causes the MSS bit in the Status Byte Register to
be set and a service request to be generated whenever the ESB bit of the Status Byte
Register is set.