Setting printer options, Canceling print jobs from command line, General printing options for cups – HID FARGO HDP5000 User Guide User Manual
Page 35: Canceling print jobs from command line 35, General printing options for cups 35

etting Printer Options
For many types of files, the default printer options may be sufficient for your needs.
However, at times you may need to change the options for a particular file you are printing.
Cups provides both they System V (lp) and Berkeley (lpr) printing commands.
The lp and lpr commands allow you to pass printer options using the –o options:
lpoptions –o landscape –o scaling=75 –o media=A4 filename.jpg ENTER
lpoptions –p HDP5000 –o PageSize=CR79 (printer specific) ENTER
Canceling Print jobs from Command Line
Use the lpstat command to show jobs and the printers:
lpstat –o –p ENTER
The cancel and lprm commands cancel a print job:
cancel job_id ENTER
lprm job_id ENTER
General Printing Options for CUPS
• brightness
Sets the overall brightness of the output
• gamma
Sets the overall gamma correction of the output
• job-sheets Chooses
banner pages to use for the job
• landscape
Prints in landscape orientation
• media
Sets the media size, source and /or type
• number-up
Sets the number of document pages to print on each sheet of paper
• page-ranges Prints the selected pages in the document
• page-set Prints
or odd pages in the document
• sides
single- or double-sided
HDP5000 Cups (Linux & MAC OS) User Guide Rev1.1