Fostex D1624 User Manual
Page 85

D824/D1624 Reference Manual (Saving and Loading Song Data)
Locate data (locate number 00~99): when saving and loading song data using SCSI
Time Base:
Setup mode:
* Time signature setting (BAR BEAT), * Tempo setting, * Click On/Off setting
* Preroll Time setting, * Midi Sync Out setting, * MTC Frame Rate setting
* MTC Offset setting, * MTC Offset Mode setting, * Rec Protect On/Off setting
* Slave Mode on/off setting, * Slave Type setting, * Virtual TC Setting (when saving
and loading song data using SCSI)
Auto Play mode and Auto Return mode On/Off
Vari-pitch mode On/Off, and pitch data
Setup mode:
* Digital In setting, * Digital Out setting, * Bar/Beat Resolution On/Off setting
* Device ID setting
* Execution of save/load ispermissible only in 44.1kHz/16 bit, 44.1kHz/24 bit, 48kHz/16 bit or
48kHz/24 bit asynchronous recording in S/P DIF format, or with digital devices that have the
adat format digital recording function.
* When a 24 bit data recorded in the recorder is saved to a 16 bit digital device, Audio 16 bit only
will be saved. Also, when a 20 bit data is saved, Audio 20 bit only will be saved.
* When loading DAT or adat data, if it is 16 bit, even if the current drive of the recorder has be
formatted in 24 bits, only the upper 16 bits will be loaded and the lower 8 bits will be "0."
Likewise, in a 20 bit machine, the upper 20 bits only will be loaded and the lower 4 bits will be
Song data can be saved as a real track, additional track or ALL data. Please note the following points
when saving song data using a DAT or adat device.
The save time of the data depends on the time of the song data (ABS 0-REC END) on the real track.
Therefore, if you attempt to save data that exists on an additional track that is longer than the data
on the real track, the
data on the additional track will only be saved for the same amount of time as the data on the real
Let’s say, you have 10 minutes recorded on the real track and you tentatively move it to the
additional track (track exchange function). Then you save a real track by leaving that moved
portion blank, which leaves you with only 3 minutes of recording on the track. This means only 3
minutes of the data on the additional track will be saved, and the remaining 7 minutes will not be
saved. If you want longer save time, you can edit the save time during save operations (Go to page
This can be done by either setting the save time to a longer save time (however, the maximum time
that can be edited is 59 minutes 59 seconds), or move the data with the longest recording time on
the additional track to the real track and then save that data. Be careful not to erase the data that
you need on the additional track when conducting these procedures. For more details on track
exchange go to page "