FOCUS Enhancements MR-HD100 User Manual
Page 193

MR-HD100 Media Recorder
• Creating Metadata Template
Taking the information generated during project definition,
the editor creates xml metadata templates that reflect the
project’s content structure. These templates are created
using a computer networked to the MR-HD100. The MR-
HD100 has a web server that provides a web interface for
creating and managing templates. The templates are stored
in the MR-HD100’s database, see
page 60.
To assist the template author, the MR-HD100 provides a
Final Cut Pro example template and a set of Apple XML
Interchange Format metadata fields that can be adapted to
a specific project’s requirements. Most of these metadata
fields will be familiar to Final Cut Pro users: they are the
same values that are used in Final Cut Pro’s Log and
Capture window within Final Cut Pro.
Final Cut Pro
Log and Capture
Apple XML
Interchange Format