Chapter 13 recorder management, Configuring the rs-232 port – Interlogix TruVision DVR 12 User Manual User Manual

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TruVision DVR 12 User Manual

Chapter 13

Recorder management

This chapter describes:

 Configuring the RS-232 port

 Updating system firmware

 Restoring default settings

 Viewing system information

 Viewing system logs

Configuring the RS-232 port

Use the System Settings menu to configure the RS-232 parameters such as
baud rate, data bit, stop bit, parity, flow control, and usage.

Figure 31: RS-232 setup window

There are three ways the RS-232 port can be used:

ProBridge: POS and ATM text insertion supported via the ProBridge

accessory connected to the RS-232 port. See “Capturing text insertions” on
page 125 for more information.

ATS/Challenger: NTP time sync supported to foreign device over the RS-232
