Smartip, Obtaining information from the isp, Remote wan ip address information to obtain – Netopia R2121 User Manual

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Setting Up Internet Services B-3

Consider expected growth in your network when deciding on the number of addresses to obtain. Alternatively,
you may use the Network Address Translation feature of Smar tIP.


The Netopia R2121 with Dual Analog suppor ts the Smar tIP™ feature which includes Network Address

Network Address Translation provides Internet access to the network connected to the Netopia R2121 using
only a single IP address. These routers translate between the internal or local area network (LAN) addresses
and a single external IP address and route accordingly.

For more information on Network Address Translation, see

Chapter 10, “IP Setup, Smar tIP and Network

Address Translation.”

Obtaining information from the ISP

After your account is set up, the ISP should send you the IP parameter information that will help you to configure
the Netopia R2121.

Local LAN IP address information to obtain (NAT enabled)

If you are using Smar tIP (NAT), you should obtain the following:

If you are dialing out to a remote site using Network Address Translation on your router, your provider will
not define the IP address information on your local LAN. You can define this information based on
parameters defined by another connection profile such as that to a corporate network, or an IP
configuration that may already be in place for the existing network. Alternatively, you can use the default IP
address range used by the router.

Primar y and Secondar y Domain Name Ser ver (DNS) IP Addresses

Domain Name (usually the same as the ISP’s domain name unless you have registered for your own
individual domain name)

Remote WAN IP address information to obtain

Telephone number of the ISP’s local or nearby dial-up POP (point-of-presence).

PPP authentication type for router at the ISP, such as PAP.

Send and receive User Login name and Send and receive User Password if PAP or CHAP security
authentication is used

Local LAN IP address information to obtain (NAT-disabled)

If you are not using Smar tIP (NAT), you should obtain:

The number of Ethernet IP host addresses available with your account and the first usable IP host address