Intermate 100 User Manual

Page 186

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Intermate100 and Intermate101 Print Server Administration Manual


Configure [SNMP]: Load and Edit “Options” (Parameters)

To edit the Intermate1xx parameters


On the HP OpenView main screen choose “Control >
SNMP Manager... > Define Query...”. This opens the dialog
box for defining queries. Note that the parameters will be
called “variables”.


Select the variables to view and add them to the “Selected”
list. The Intermate1xx-“option” variables are found by
clicking “iso > org > dod > internet > private > enterprises >
intermate > imaPs1”. This brings up a list of all available
“option groups” (each corresponding to a configuration
page). Double-clicking an “option group” name accesses
the variables contained in that group. Select the variables
or groups to be viewed. Use the “Add ->” button to add
single variables or entire groups to the list.
Finish by pressing the “Perform” button.

Example: The figure below shows the variables found in
the “General” option group (= the parameters found on the
[General] configuration page in the print server’s HTML


Edit the variables.


Click the “Close” button to finish.