noise reduction, long
exposures 47
Normal Focus setting 38
number of images in internal
memory 171
number of pictures
remaining 36, 72
ON/OFF switch, description 22
online Help for Capture Menu
options 51
optical zoom 40
over-exposing an image 51
override automatic exposure 45
Panorama mode
Preview Panorama 84
setting 47
using 48
parts of camera
back of camera 21
front, side, and bottom of
camera 25
top of camera 24
performance, battery 154
record audio clips 32
share 85
take self-timer 43
take stills 31
Playback button, description 23
Playback Menu, using 75
Playback, using 70
Portrait mode, setting 46
battery level icons 156
specifications 170
turn on/off 17
power adapter, HP AC
attaching ferrite to cord 15
connector on camera 25
purchasing 163
Power ON/OFF switch,
description 22
Preview Panorama 84
Print button
description 23
using 72
print images
directly to printer 100
selecting images for direct
print 72
using HP Instant Share 85
problems, troubleshooting 111
product support 144
purchasing camera
accessories 161
Exposure Compensation 168
F-number 165
focus 166
focus settings 38
recharging lithium ion
battery 157
audio clips 32, 83
video clips 34
red-eye reduction
description 43
Remove Red Eyes 80