HP J4367A User Manual
Page 32

Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 32
Change any items that should be unique, such as the Management Server IP address, through the
normal operation of the software.
To install the agent using the silent installation method:
Create a temporary directory.
Copy the following files into the temporary directory you just created:
DevManRA.ini—During an assisted install, this file is landed in the same folder in which the
agent is installed.
Setup.exe—This file is included with the installation files on the HP Infrastructure Management
Pack CD and the software download package on the HP website
Setup.iss—This file is included with the installation files on the HP Infrastructure Management
Pack CD and the software download package on the HP website
SetupRA.exe—This file is included with the installation files on the HP Infrastructure Management
Pack CD and the software download package on the HP website
From the directory that contains all four files, run
Setup.exe /s /f DevManRA.ini
to install
If the .ini file is not located in the same folder as the Setup file, run
Setup.exe /s /f
file location.
The following command line parameters can be specified and are applicable for both interactive and
silent modes.
Parameter Function
Performs a silent install.
Reboots the computer at completion of setup. This
option is supported only on Windows® and only for
a silent install.
/f DevManRA.ini
Specifies a configuration .ini file used for clean
installs. When this option is specified, the device
detection and configuration step is omitted.
Reconfiguring the agent on Windows operating
To reconfigure the agent:
Right-click the agent system tray icon to display a context menu from which the management service
can be stopped or started. In this menu, you can also:
Launch a browser session using the Connect option.
Configure new settings using the Configure option.
Change the IP address or serial path that the agent uses for the management module.
Enable or disable a redundant configuration.